Birmingham City Council Homepage BCC Homepage 040 Website Directory# Birmingham# Birmingham city council# business
PRC Direct. UK electrical retailer established in Essex and London for over 40 years selling all the top brands at low prices with free and fast delivery. Huge range of TVs, Home Cinema, Appliances and much more. 030 Website Directory# audio visual# av system# digital camcorder
Birmingham City University Birmingham City University (BCU) is a large and diverse university set in the heart of Birmingham with a focus on practice-based learning. 040 Website Directory# BCU# Birmingham# courses
APM: The Chartered Body for the Project Profession APM is the chartered membership organisation that provides membership, qualifications, events and publications for project professionals. 040 Website Directory# chartered# membership organisation# project management
Cambridge Dictionary The most popular dictionary and thesaurus for learners of English. Meanings and definitions of words with pronunciations and translations. 030 Website Directory# american# audio# british