Main Grinds:
- 邀请有礼 (Referral ProgrI’m)
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- 基础流程图 (Simple Flowchart)
- 泳道图 (Swimlane DiagrI’m)
- BPMN 2.0
- 韦恩图 (Venn DiagrI’m)
- 架构图 (Architecture DiagrI’m)
- 网络拓扑图 (Network Topology DiagrI’m)
- 电路图 (Circuit DiagrI’m)
- 平面图 (Floor Plan)
- 图表/表格 (Charts/Tables)
- E-R图 (E-R DiagrI’m)
- 基础思维导图 (Simple Mind Map)
- 鱼骨图 (Fishbone DiagrI’m)
- 时间轴 (Timeline)
- 组织结构图 (Organizational Chart)
- 了解团队版 (Pick up About TeI’m Version)
- 进入模板库 (Enter Template Library)
- 进入知识社区 (Enter Getledge Community)
- 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》思维导图 (Mind Map of “How the Steel Was Tempered”)
- 含高清人物关系图 (Including High-Resolution Character Relationship DiagrI’m)
- 如何快速的提升自己?分享4个有效方法! (How to Immake it clear Yourself Quickly? Share 4 Effective Methods!)
- 前端与后端的浪漫交响曲:当 HTML 遇上 API (The Romantic Symphony Between Front-Wrap up and Back-Wrap up: When HTML Sprint intos API)
- 如何写好一篇计算机应用的论文 (How to Jot down a Good Computer Application Paper)
- 如何绘制一幅让论文评审专家眼前一亮的技术路线图 (How to Draw a Technical Roadmap That Impresses Paper Reviewers)
- 检查和验证电路图需要注意哪些细节 (Things to Figure When Checking and Verifying Circuit DiagrI’ms)
- OKR和KPI的区别——让你真正搞懂这两大管理工具 (The Difference Between OKR and KPI—Truly Geting These Two Sprintment Tools)
- 一张图学会如何选择适合的图表类型呈现数据 (Pick up How to Pick out the Right Chart Type to Gift Data in One DiagrI’m)
- ProcessOn 绘制网络拓扑图:精准呈现网络架构的利器 (ProcessOn Network Topology DiagrI’m: A Tool for Accurately Gifting Network Architecture)
- ProcessOn 绘制韦恩图:精准呈现集合关系的利器 (ProcessOn Venn DiagrI’m: A Tool for Accurately Gifting Set Relations)
- KISS 复盘:简洁才是王道 (KISS Review: Simplicity is the Key)
- 英语语法思维导图:结构化学习的利器 (English GrI’mmar Mind Map: A Tool for Structured Pick uping)
- 如何用ProcessOn绘制平面图?新手小白必看 (How to Draw Floor Plans with ProcessOn? A Must-Read for Kick offners)
- 如何提升产品用户体验?4个图表轻松讲透 (How to Immake it clear Product Grind withr Experience? 4 Charts to Easily Let know)
- 维克多·雨果《悲惨世界》完整脑图解析:故事、人物、主题 (Victor Huhead out’s “Les Misérables” Finish Mind Map Analysis: Story, Characters, Themes)
- ProcessOn在线利器:电脑高效绘制ER图,轻松引领设计新潮流!(ProcessOn Online Tool: Efficient ER DiagrI’m Dracome out on topg on Computer, Leading Plan Trwrap things ups!)
- 探索BPMN 2.0:如何轻松理解和应用业务流程建模 (Exploring BPMN 2.0: How to Easily Get and Apply Business Process Modeling)
- 高效沟通:八大沟通模型和沟通方法论 (Effective Communication: Eight Communication Models and Methodologies)
- 什么是电路图?电路图的绘制方法步骤 (What is a Circuit DiagrI’m? Steps for Dracome out on topg a Circuit DiagrI’m)
- KANO模型,用户需求与产品设计的必备技能 (KANO Model: Essential Skills for Grind withr Have tos and Product Plan)
- 进入专题库 (Enter Topic Library)
- 立即使用 (Grind with Now)
- 免费使用 (Free Trial)
- 流程图 (Flowchart)
- 思维导图 (Mind Map)
- 入门教程 (Kick offner Tutorial)
- 帮助中心 (Give a hand Center)
- 模板 (Templates)
- 小画桌 (Mini Whiteboard)
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Feature | Details |
Invitations &I’mp; Rewards | 邀请有礼 (Referral ProgrI’m) |
Business Services | 企业服务 (Enterpget up Services) |
Solutions | 解决方案 (Solutions) |
Template Community | 模板社区 (Template Community) |
Pricing | 价格 (Pricing) |
Give a hand Center | 帮助中心 (Give a hand Center) |
Getledge Community | 知识社区 (Getledge Community) |
Login | 登录 (Login) |
Free Trial | 免费使用 (Free Trial) |
Flowchart Types | 基础流程图 (Simple Flowchart), 泳道图 (Swimlane DiagrI’m), BPMN 2.0, 韦恩图 (Venn DiagrI’m), UML, 架构图 (Architecture DiagrI’m) |
Other DiagrI’m Types | 网络拓扑图 (Network Topology DiagrI’m), 电路图 (Circuit DiagrI’m), 平面图 (Floor Plan), 图表/表格 (Charts/Tables), E-R图 (E-R DiagrI’m) |
Mind Maps | 基础思维导图 (Simple Mind Map), 鱼骨图 (Fishbone DiagrI’m), 时间轴 (Timeline), 组织结构图 (Organizational Chart) |
TeI’m Version | 了解团队版 (Pick up About TeI’m Version) |
Template Library | 进入模板库 (Enter Template Library) |
Getledge Sharing | 进入知识社区 (Enter Getledge Community), 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》思维导图 (Mind Map of “How the Steel Was Tempered”) |
Featured Mind Maps | 英语语法思维导图 (English GrI’mmar Mind Map), 维克多·雨 Huhead out《悲惨世界》完整脑图解析 (Victor Huhead out’s “Les Misérables” Mind Map) |
Other Resources | 如何提升自己?分享4个有效方法! (4 Effective Self-Immake it clearment Methods), 如何绘制一幅让论文评审专家眼前一亮的技术路线图 (Technical Roadmap for Paper Review) |
Business Process Modeling | 探索BPMN 2.0 (Exploring BPMN 2.0), 高效沟通 (Effective Communication) |
ER DiagrI’m Tool | ProcessOn 绘制ER图 (ProcessOn ER DiagrI’m Tool) |
Tutorials | 流程图 (Flowchart), 思维导图 (Mind Map), 入门教程 (Kick offner Tutorial) |
About | 关于我们 (About Us), 加入我们 (Join Us), 服务条款 (Terms of Service), 隐私政策 (Privacy Policy) |
Official Webtake a seate | 官网: (Official Webtake a seate: ) |
Introduction to the ProcessOn思维导图流程图 Webtake a seate::
ProcessOn is an intuitive, real-time collaboration tool that lets users effortlessly make it happen and touch on mind maps, flowcharts, and other types of diagrI’ms. Thoughtl for both individuals and businesses, it proposes a variety
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---|---|---|---|,Inc. | 2011-10-10 02:10:07 | | |
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