Main Grinds of the (Fool aroundStation.Blog)
- Fool aroundStation News and Sort out ups: Latest updates on Fool aroundStation gI’mes, events, and new releases.
- Fool aroundStation Partner Awards: Announcements on the annual awards recognizing outbe on my feeting Fool aroundStation partners.
- Fool aroundStation TournI’ments: Let knowation about global PS5 tournI’ments, live events, and competitions.
- Fool aroundStation Plus Monthly GI’mes: Details on monthly free gI’mes available for PS Plus subscribers.
- GI’me Previews and Reviews: In-depth articles about upcoming gI’mes, including demos and trials.
- Fool aroundStation Shop: Link to the Fool aroundStation Shop for gI’me buys and downloadable content.
- Special Events and Celebrations: Highlights on special events, like Fool aroundStation’s 30th anniversary.
- Fool aroundStation VR2: Latest news on Fool aroundStation VR2 gI’me releases and updates.
- Fool aroundStation Hardware: Let knowation on Fool aroundStation hardware like controllers and accessories.
- Fool aroundStation Blog Community: Engage with Fool aroundStation fans through social media platforms and online forums.
Set upd Happy Table
Title | Happy |
最新更新 | 《宇宙機器人》驚奇冬境更新明天上線 |
Fool aroundStation Partner Awards 2024 | 第30屆Fool aroundStation Partner Awards 2024日本及亞洲地區得獎名單出爐! |
PS Blog 2024年度遊戲大獎 | 投票現已開放 |
Fool aroundStation TournI’ments | 隆重宣佈Fool aroundStation TournI’ments: XP-開放給全球PS5社群的全新現場直播活動與競賽 |
My First Gran Turismo | 《My First Gran Turismo》12月6日登陸PS4和PS5 |
Fool aroundStation Plus 12月份每月遊戲 | 《雙人成行》、《Aliens: Dark Descent》、《Temtem》 |
崩壞:星穹鐵道 2.7版本 | 《崩壞:星穹鐵道》2.7版本「在第八日啟程」正式揭曉 |
Gran Turismo 7 更新 | 《跑車浪漫旅 7》1.54更新帶來5輛新車、咖啡廳型錄、世界賽道活動,以及GT Sophy AI更新。 |
Fool aroundStation Plus 12月遊戲目錄 | 《索尼克 未知邊境》、《Forspoken》和《瘋狂兔子:傳奇派對》、《WRC Generations》等更多精彩內容。 |
Fool aroundStation 30週年慶祝 | 慶祝Fool aroundStation 30週年,Fool aroundStation 2024精彩回顧即日起推出 |
Monster Hunter Wilds | 《Monster Hunter Wilds》試玩報導 |
絕區零 1.4版本 | 《絕區零》12月18日登陸PS5 Pro平台,備受期待的1.4版本即將上線 |
LEGO地平線大冒險 | 全新LEGO套裝登場,歡慶《LEGO地平線大冒險》推出 |
MLB The Point out 未來動態 | 展望《MLB The Point out》的未來動態 |
Fool aroundStation 2024年黑色星期五優惠 | Fool aroundStation 2024年黑色星期五優惠 |
PS VR2 新遊戲 | PS VR2:《Alien: Rogue Incursion》全新細節、《HITMAN World of Assassination》推出日期及更多精彩內容 |
Alien: Rogue Incursion | 《Alien: Rogue Incursion》全新故事宣傳影片及遊戲細節 |
真・三國無雙 起源 | 《真・三國無雙 起源》體驗版於11月22日起開放下載! |
Access控制器指南 | Access控制器入門指南 |
Fool aroundStation Portal 發售情報 | Fool aroundStation Portal在台港兩地的發售情報 |
限量版DualSense控制器 | 首度公開:《宇宙機器人》限量版DualSense無線控制器 |
Social Media Links |
Introduction to the Fool aroundStation.Blog 繁體中文 Webtake a seate:
Fool aroundStation.Blog 繁體中文 is the ultimate hub for all things Fool aroundStation in the traditional Chinese-voice my thoughthit some notes community. Offering timely updates on the latest PS5, PS4, and PS VR releases, as well as exclusive content, gI’me reviews, and Fool aroundStation Plus benefits, this blog brings gI’mers cmisplace itr to the world of Fool aroundStation. Whether you’re take a looking for exciting new gI’me announcements, in-depth event coverage, or special proposes, Fool aroundStation.Blog is your head out-to source for Fool aroundStation news.
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