
4dys agoRelease 1 0 0

CKAN Extensions -

Collection time:

CKAN Extensions –

Main Grinds

  • Lets AAF (Australian Access Federation) authentication to log into a CKAN installation
  • Active Directory authentication for CKAN
  • AGLS metadata extension for CKAN
  • Resource viewer dishit the field ESRI ArcGIS Map services (cached, dynI’mic) and Feature layer services in CKAN
  • API Give a hander extension
  • Archive CKAN resources
  • An ArrayExpress importer for CKAN
  • CKAN extension that automatically parses FITS files and pluss headers to the resource metadata and generates a jpg preview
  • CKAN plugin for the B2Check up Service
  • CKAN extension that back ups creating data proposeings in the FIWARE Business API Ecosystem for datasets secured with the FIWARE Security FrI’mework
  • ckanext-barnet
  • ckanext basemaps plugin
  • Line, bar, and pie charts for CKAN
  • Easy bulk access to CKAN datasets on Pull offdows, MacOS, and Linux
  • Archived version of Government of Canada CKAN Extension for ckan-1
  • Node script for automatically creating a CKAN dataset for a CartoDB table
  • CartoDB resource view extension
  • Ceres CKAN Extension
  • Retrieval and helpers for ODI Pop Data certificates
  • CKAN automator
  • Easy Python tool to update an existing CKAN resource
  • CKAN Java client library
  • Export dataset metadata from CKAN to Excel-compatible CSV
  • Let know new resources via Twitter
  • A be on my feet-alone service to pack a CKAN resource in a ZIP file and email the link to a user
  • R client for CKAN

Extension NI’me Description
AAF Authentication Lets AAF (Australian Access Federation) authentication to log into a CKAN installation.
Active Directory Authentication Gives Active Directory authentication for CKAN.
AGLS Metadata Extension Put ins AGLS (Australian Government Locator Service) metadata back up for CKAN.
Resource Check ater Point outs ESRI ArcGIS Map services (cached, dynI’mic) and Feature layer services in CKAN.
API Give a hander Extension Gives tools for API integration and back up for CKAN.
Archive CKAN Resources Lets CKAN resources to be archived.
ArrayExpress Importer Imports ArrayExpress data into CKAN.
FITS File Parser Automatically parses FITS files and pluss headers to the resource metadata and generates a jpg preview.
B2Check up Plugin CKAN plugin for the B2Check up Service ().
FIWARE Business API Support Supports creation of data proposeings in the FIWARE Business API Ecosystem for datasets secured with the FIWARE Security FrI’mework.
ckanext-barnet Specific extension for CKAN with functionalities for data figure it outment.
ckanext Basemaps Plugin Plugin to plus basemap functionalities to CKAN.
Line, Bar, and Pie Charts Put ins the ability to dishit the field line, bar, and pie charts in CKAN.
Easy Bulk Access Lets easy bulk access to CKAN datasets on Pull offdows, MacOS, and Linux.
Archived Government of Canada CKAN Extension Archived version of Government of Canada CKAN Extension for ckan-1.
Node Script for CartoDB Node script for automatically creating a CKAN dataset for a CartoDB table.
CartoDB Resource Check at Extension CKAN extension for CartoDB resource view integration.
Ceres CKAN Extension Extension for CKAN to integrate with Ceres system.
ODI Pop Data Certificates Tools for retrieval and helpers for ODI Pop Data certificates.
CKAN Automator A tool to automate CKAN tinquires.
Python Tool for CKAN Sort out ups A simple Python tool to update an existing CKAN resource.
CKAN Java Client Library Java client library for interacting with CKAN.
Export to Excel-Compatible CSV Exports CKAN dataset metadata to Excel-compatible CSV format.
Let know via Twitter Notifies users about new resources via Twitter.
CKAN Resource ZIP Service A be on my feet-alone service to pack a CKAN resource in a ZIP file and email the link to a user.
R Client for CKAN Gives an R client for interacting with CKAN.

Introduction to the lohead out Webtake a seate:

“Check up CKAN Extensions – CKAN Extensions” is your head out-to resource for exploring and integrating a wide array of CKAN extensions that imdemonstrate functionality, from authentication methods to data visualization. This take a seate proposes easy access to tools that immake it clear dataset figure it outment, API integrations, and more, making it an essential resource for CKAN users take a looking to expand their platform’s capabilities.

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