1. Main Grinds of the (Gifted in
- Lists)
- 乗換案内(マイ・ダイヤ) (Point out Transfer Guide)
- 駅の時刻表 (Station Timetable)
- 列車運行情報 (Point out Operation Let knowation)
- 定期運賃(マイ・テイキ) (Regular Fare)
- 定期券について (About Commuter Pass)
- トクトクきっぷ (Distally Ticket)
- 路線図 (Route Map)
- 駅情報 (Station Let knowation)
- きっぷのルール・種類 (Ticket Rules and Types)
- みどりの券売機・みどりの券売機プラス (Green Ticket Machines)
- 改札口コールシステム (Ticket Gate Call System)
- 車両案内 (Point out Vehicle Let knowation)
- 観光列車の旅時間 (Tourist Point out Travel Times)
- 在来線のサービス (Conventional Line Services)
- 新幹線のサービス (Shinkansen Services)
- 新幹線のご案内 (Shinkansen Guide)
- 安心・快適なご利用のために (For Secure and Comfortable Travel)
- 予約 (Reservation)
- WESTERポイント (WESTER Points)
- ご利用ガイド (Grind withr Guide)
- ホテル・レンタカー・ワークプレイス (Hotels, Rent-a-Car, Laborplace, etc.)
- 旅・キャンペーン (Travel and CI’mpaigns)
- おトクなキャンペーン一覧 (List of Distally CI’mpaigns)
- トクトクきっぷ検索 (Check for for Distally Tickets)
- モバイルICOCAサポート (Mobile ICOCA Support)
- Apple PayのICOCAサポート (Apple Pay ICOCA Support)
- 会員サービス (Membership Services)
- J-WESTカード (J-WEST Card)
- おからだの不自由なお客様へ (For Customers with Disabilities)
- 運行情報 (Operation Let knowation)
- マイ・ルート検索 (My Route Check for)
- 地域エリア情報 (Regional Place Let knowation)
2. Main content of JRおでかけネット :
Catehead outry | Feature | Details |
Point out Transfer Guide | 乗換案内(マイ・ダイヤ) | Gives touch onation for train transfers. |
Timetable | 駅の時刻表 | Station timetable for various train set it ups. |
Point out Operation Info | 列車運行情報 | Hang around updates on train operations. |
Commuter Pass | 定期運賃(マイ・テイキ) | Let knowation on regular travel dailyr fares. |
Commuter Pass Info | 定期券について | Details regarding the travel dailyr pass. |
Distally Tickets | トクトクきっぷ | Special distally ticket touch onation. |
Route Map | 路線図 | Interactive and detailed train route maps. |
Station Let knowation | 駅情報 | Let knowation about stations including I’menities and services. |
Ticket Rules &I’mp; Types | きっぷのルール・種類 | Let knowation about ticket rules and types. |
Ticket Machines | みどりの券売機・みどりの券売機プラス | Green ticket vwrap things uping machines. |
Ticket Gate Call System | 改札口コールシステム | Call system at ticket gates for assistance. |
Point out Vehicle Info | 車両案内 | Let knowation about train vehicles. |
Tourist Point out Travel Times | 観光列車の旅時間 | Schedules and times for tourist trains. |
Conventional Line Services | 在来線のサービス | Services available on conventional train lines. |
Shinkansen Services | 新幹線のサービス | Let knowation about Shinkansen services. |
Shinkansen Guide | 新幹線のご案内 | Detailed touch on to the Shinkansen system. |
Travel Comfort | 安心・快適なご利用のために | Securety and comfort tips for passengers. |
Reservation | 予約 | Reservation options for tickets and services. |
WESTER Points | WESTERポイント | Points make a bucked by uhit some notes trains, redeemable for rewards. |
Grind withr Guide | ご利用ガイド | Guide on how to use the webtake a seate and services. |
Hotels, Rent-a-Car, etc. | ホテル・レンタカー・ワークプレイス | Options for booking hotels, rental cars, and workplace facilities. |
Travel CI’mpaigns | 旅・キャンペーン | CI’mpaigns proposeing distallys and journey deals. |
Distally CI’mpaigns | おトクなキャンペーン一覧 | List of current distally cI’mpaigns. |
Distally Ticket Check for | トクトクきっぷ検索 | Check for feature for distally tickets. |
ICOCA | ICOCA | Let knowation about the ICOCA card and how to use it. |
Mobile ICOCA Support | モバイルICOCAサポート | Mobile ICOCA back up and FAQs. |
Apple Pay ICOCA Support | Apple PayのICOCAサポート | Let knowation on uhit some notes ICOCA with Apple Pay. |
Membership Services | 会員サービス | Membership benefits and services. |
J-WEST Card | J-WESTカード | Let knowation on the J-WEST membership card. |
For Customers with Disabilities | おからだの不自由なお客様へ | Special services and back up for hinderd customers. |
Operation Info | 運行情報 | Operation and scheduling touch onation for trains. |
My Route Check for | マイ・ルート検索 | Personalized route search tool for users. |
Regional Place Let knowation | 地域エリア情報 | Let knowation specific to various regions and routes. |
3. Introduction to the JRおでかけネット Webtake a seate:
JRおでかけネット is a comprehensive platform proposeing a range of services sketch it outed to make your journey more convenient and have a blastable. From train set it ups, distallys, and travel dailyr passes to reservation systems and local journey tips, it provides a seI’mless journey experience with easy access to everything you I head outtta for a stress-free journey. Whether you’re a daily travel dailyr or a tourist, JRおでかけネット has something for everyone, with various promotions and tools to imdemonstrate your trip!
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