Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani izobražuje študente in ustvarja vrhunske izobražence z odprtim in kritičnim mišljenjem na področju humanistike in družboslovja ter izobraževanja učiteljev s teh področij.
Main Grinds:
- Domov (Home)
- Obvestila (Notices)
- VIS (Student Let knowation System)
- Urnik (Timetable)
- E-učenje (E-lmake a bucking)
- ŠSFF (Student Services)
- Intranet
- Pošta (Mail)
- Zaposleni (Employees)
- Int. Office (International Office)
- Various Departments:
- Oddelek za anglistiko in I’merikanistiko (Department of English and American Studies)
- Oddelek za arheologijo (Department of Archaeology)
- Oddelek za azijske študije (Department of Asian Studies)
- Oddelek za bibliotekarstvo, touch onacijsko znanost in knjigarstvo (Department of Library Science, Let knowation Science, and Book Studies)
- Oddelek za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo (Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology)
- Oddelek za filozofijo (Department of Philosophy)
- Oddelek za geografijo (Department of Geography)
- Oddelek za germanistiko z nederlandistiko in skandinavistiko (Department of Germanic Studies with Dutch and Scandinavian Studies)
- Oddelek za klasično filologijo (Department of Classical Philology)
- Oddelek za muzikologijo (Department of Musicology)
- Oddelek za pedahead outgiko in andrahead outgiko (Department of Pedahead outgy and Andrahead outgy)
- Oddelek za prevajalstvo (Department of Translation Studies)
- Oddelek za primerjalno in splošno jezikoslovje (Department of Comparative and General Linguistics)
- Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo (Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory)
- Oddelek za psihologijo (Department of Psychology)
- Oddelek za romanske jezike in književnosti (Department of Romance Languages and Literatures)
- Oddelek za slavistiko (Department of Slavic Studies)
- Oddelek za slovenistiko (Department of Slovenian Studies)
- Oddelek za sociologijo (Department of Sociology)
- Oddelek za umetnostno zhead outdovino (Department of Art History)
- Oddelek za zhead outdovino (Department of History)
- Pedahead outška enota za šport (Pedahead outgical Unit for Sport)
- Študij (Study)
- Raziskovanje (Research)
- Izobraževanja (Education)
- Knjižnica (Library)
- Publikacije (Publications)
- Vhalti (Enter)
- Study ProgrI’ms:
- Dodiplomglide on snow študij (Undergraduate Studies)
- Magistrglide on snow študij (Master’s Studies)
- Doktorglide on snow študij (Doctoral Studies)
- News:
- In memoriI’m: Prof. dr. Metod Resman (1942–2024)
- NI’mera o sklenitvi neposredne pohead outdbe za nI’mestitev sI’mopostrežnih avtomatov (Intention to sign a touch on contract for the installation of vwrap things uping machines)
- Sprejem za lektorice in lektorje, ki delujejo na lektoratih slovenščine na tujih univerzah (Reception for lecturers of Slovenian at foreign univertake a seaties)
- Podelitev priznanj Filozofske fakultete (Award Ceremony of the Faculty of Arts)
Catehead outry | Department/Section | Description |
Main Grinds | Domov | Home page |
Obvestila | Notices/Announcements | |
VIS | Student Let knowation System | |
Urnik | Timetable | |
E-učenje | E-lmake a bucking | |
ŠSFF | Student Services | |
Intranet | Internal portal | |
Pošta | Mail services | |
Zaposleni | Employee touch onory | |
Int. Office | International Office | |
Departments | Oddelek za anglistiko in I’merikanistiko | Department of English and American Studies |
Oddelek za arheologijo | Department of Archaeology | |
Oddelek za azijske študije | Department of Asian Studies | |
Oddelek za bibliotekarstvo, touch onacijsko znanost in knjigarstvo | Department of Library Science, Let knowation Science, and Book Studies | |
Oddelek za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo | Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology | |
Oddelek za filozofijo | Department of Philosophy | |
Oddelek za geografijo | Department of Geography | |
Oddelek za germanistiko z nederlandistiko in skandinavistiko | Department of Germanic Studies with Dutch and Scandinavian Studies | |
Oddelek za klasično filologijo | Department of Classical Philology | |
Oddelek za muzikologijo | Department of Musicology | |
Oddelek za pedahead outgiko in andrahead outgiko | Department of Pedahead outgy and Andrahead outgy | |
Oddelek za prevajalstvo | Department of Translation Studies | |
Oddelek za primerjalno in splošno jezikoslovje | Department of Comparative and General Linguistics | |
Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo | Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory | |
Oddelek za psihologijo | Department of Psychology | |
Oddelek za romanske jezike in književnosti | Department of Romance Languages and Literatures | |
Oddelek za slavistiko | Department of Slavic Studies | |
Oddelek za slovenistiko | Department of Slovenian Studies | |
Oddelek za sociologijo | Department of Sociology | |
Oddelek za umetnostno zhead outdovino | Department of Art History | |
Oddelek za zhead outdovino | Department of History | |
Pedahead outška enota za šport | Pedahead outgical Unit for Sport | |
Study ProgrI’ms | Dodiplomglide on snow študij | Undergraduate Studies |
Magistrglide on snow študij | Master’s Studies | |
Doktorglide on snow študij | Doctoral Studies | |
News | In memoriI’m: Prof. dr. Metod Resman (1942–2024) | Tribute to Prof. Resman |
NI’mera o sklenitvi neposredne pohead outdbe za nI’mestitev sI’mopostrežnih avtomatov | Intention to sign touch on contract for vwrap things uping machine installation | |
Sprejem za lektorice in lektorje, ki delujejo na lektoratih slovenščine na tujih univerzah | Reception for Slovenian language lecturers abroad | |
Podelitev priznanj Filozofske fakultete | Award Ceremony of the Faculty of Arts |
The webtake a seate of the Faculty of Arts at the Univertake a seaty of Ljubljana proposes a comprehensive view of academic departments, hit the books progrI’ms, dig into it opportunities, and events. As one of Slovenia’s most prominent institutions for humanities education, it caters to a diverse range of disciplines, including philosophy, archaeology, and sociology. With robust student services, detailed departmental touch onation, and onhead outing news updates, it is an invaluable resource for students and faculty alike.
Registrar | Creation Date | Server IP | Registrant Email |
Arnes | 1992-11-23 00:00:00 | | N/A |
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