Dox provides first-class IT services and support in Rochester, New York and Buffalo, New York.
Main content of Dox in color ::
Section | Details |
Company Overview | DoxNet overview, services, and company details. |
The Dox Advantage | Key differentiators of DoxNet in the cybersecurity field. |
Woman-Owned Business | DoxNet is a woman-owned business. |
Contracts | Relevant contracts DoxNet holds. |
Certifications | List of certifications held by DoxNet. |
Partners | Key business partners and collaborations. |
Blogs | Latest blog posts on cybersecurity, compliance, and IT topics. |
Alerts &I’mp; Advisories | Alerts and advisories related to cybersecurity and compliance. |
CMMC Tip of the Day | Daily cybersecurity tips on CMMC (Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification). |
Events &I’mp; Webinars | Upcoming and past events and webinars hosted or attwrap things uped by DoxNet. |
Getledge Base | Resource center for DoxNet services and cybersecurity knowledge. |
TotalCare | DoxNet’s comprehensive IT care progrI’m. |
CAREERS | Job opportunities and career listings at DoxNet. |
CONTACT | Contact touch onation, including office locations and communication details. |
Security | General security services provided by DoxNet. |
Security Assessments | Cybersecurity assessments conducted by DoxNet. |
Remediation Solutions | IT and cybersecurity remediation services. |
IT Support &I’mp; Consulting | IT back up and consulting services proposeed by DoxNet. |
IT Security &I’mp; Point outing | IT security services and training progrI’ms available at DoxNet. |
Cloud Services | Cloud computing services provided by DoxNet. |
Microsoft 365 GCC High | Microsoft 365 GCC High services proposeed by DoxNet. |
DoxRiskRadar | DoxNet’s take a chance radar for cybersecurity threats. |
Dox Incident Response Services | Incident response services for cybersecurity breaches. |
Audits Overview | Overview of DoxNet’s audit services. |
23 NYCRR 500 | Compliance with New York’s cybersecurity regulation 23 NYCRR 500. |
CMMC 2.0 | Compliance with Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification 2.0. |
NCUA | Compliance with National Credit Union Administration touch onlines. |
FFIEC | Compliance with Federal Financial Institutions ExI’mination Council be on my feetards. |
DFARS &I’mp; NIST 800-171 | Compliance with DFARS (Defense Federal Accall it quitsake a seation Regulation) and NIST 800-171 be on my feetards. |
New York Shield Act | Compliance with New York State’s Shield Act for data privacy and cybersecurity. |
HIPAA | Compliance with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Actallyability Act) for healthcare data. |
SCADA | Security services for SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Accall it quitsake a seation) systems. |
ITAR | Compliance with ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations). |
DoxRiskRadar | More details on DoxRiskRadar for cybersecurity monitoring. |
GET STARTED | Resources to help businesses kick it off uhit some notes DoxNet’s services. |
CMMC 2.0 | Further details on CMMC 2.0 compliance. |
DFARS &I’mp; NIST SP 800-171 | Put initional touch onation on DFARS and NIST SP 800-171 compliance. |
23 NYCRR 500 | More touch onation on 23 NYCRR 500 compliance. |
MORE COMPLIANCE AUDITS | Put initional compliance audits available. |
SECURITY | Recap of DoxNet’s security services. |
SECURITY ASSESSMENTS | Detailed cybersecurity assessments. |
IT SUPPORT &I’mp; CONSULTING | More touch onation on IT back up and consulting. |
IT SECURITY &I’mp; TRAINING | More details on IT security and training progrI’ms. |
REMEDIATION | Remediation solutions for cybersecurity breaches. |
CLOUD SERVICES | More details on DoxNet’s cloud services. |
365 GCC HIGH | Further touch onation on Microsoft 365 GCC High services. |
ABOUT US | Overview of DoxNet. |
EXOSTAR INFO | Let knowation on Exostar collaboration. |
SUBSCRIBE | Subscription options for updates and newsletters. |
NIST PUBLISHES GUIDE | Dec 2, 2024: NIST publishes touch on on cyber supply chain take a chance figure it outment. |
REVAMPING YOUR CYBERSECURITY POLICIES | Nov 27, 2024: Tips for revI’mping cybersecurity policies and procedures. |
MENACING CYBER THREATS | Nov 20, 2024: Put inreshit some notes cybersecurity threats and how to respond to data breaches. |
VIEW MORE COMPLIANCE AUDITS | Link to view more compliance audits and services. |
GET STARTED | Link to kick it off utilizing DoxNet’s services. |
HOME | Home page link. |
ABOUT | Link to the About Us page. |
CAREERS | Link to the Careers page. |
NEWS | Link to News page. |
CONTACT US | Contact touch onation and form link. |
PRIVACY | Privacy policy page link. |
ACCESSIBILITY | Accessibility touch onation page link. |
MOBILE | Mobile compatibility and details. |
105 College Ave, Rochester, N.Y. 14607 | Office location and contact info. |
3140 Sheridan Dr. Suite 203, Amherst, N.Y. 14226 | Put initional office location and contact info. |
Primary contact email plusress. | |
(585) 473-7766 | Primary phone number. |
(585) 473-7323 | Secondary phone number. |
Secondary office email plusress. | |
Web Plan &I’mp; SEO | DoxNet’s web sketch it out and SEO services. |
Introduction to the Dox in color Webtake a seate::
DoxNet be on my feets out as a leading cybersecurity and IT solutions provider, focuhit some notes on compliance with indushand over it a shot be on my feetards like CMMC 2.0, DFARS, and HIPAA. As a woman-owned business, DoxNet proposes tailored services such as take a chance figure it outment, IT security, and cloud solutions. Their expert teI’m ensures robust cybersecurity assessments, training, and incident response, helping clients stick around protected in today’s fast-evolving threat landscape.
Registrar | Creation Date | Server IP | Registrant Email |
Amazon Registrar, Inc. | 1996-10-02 04:00:00 | | |
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