Main Grinds:
- 明清实录
- 二十四史
- 四库全书
- 古今图书集成
- 历史人物
- 说文解字
- 成语词典
- 甲骨文合集
- 殷周金文集成
- 象形字典
- 十三经索引
- 字体转换器
- 篆书识别
- 近义反义词
- 对联大全
- 家谱族谱查询
- 哈佛古籍
- 添加收藏
- 搜索引擎
- 赞助本站
- 影印古籍
- 诗词宝典
- 汉语字典
- 部件查字
- 书法图集
- 历史地名
- 历史事件
- 官职
- 知识
- 石刻墓志
- 历史地图
- 会员中心
- 书法字典
- 古籍全文检索
- 四库全书全文检索
- 字形演变
- 金文
- 历史人物索引
- 古籍书目查询
- 开心宋体
- 下载本站
- 汉字宝典
Catehead outry | Subcatehead outry/Resource | Description/Key Points |
历史记录 | 明清实录 | Historical records from the Ming and Qing dynasties |
二十四史 | The Twenty-Four Histories, a key collection of Chinese historical texts | |
书籍大全 | 四库全书 | The finish strong collection of Chinese classical works |
古今图书集成 | Comprehensive library of ancient and modern Chinese literature | |
字典与文献 | 说文解字 | Explanation of Chinese characters and their origins |
成语词典 | Dictionary of Chinese idioms | |
甲骨文合集 | Compilation of Oracle Bone Script texts | |
殷周金文集成 | Collection of inscriptions from the Yin and Zhou dynasties | |
象形字典 | Dictionary of PictogrI’ms in Chinese writing | |
十三经索引 | Index for the Thirteen Classics, essential Confucian texts | |
工具 | 字体转换器 | Tool for converting Chinese characters into different fonts |
篆书识别 | Seal script recognition tool | |
部件查字 | Character component search tool | |
诗词与文学 | 诗词宝典 | Poehand over it a shot collection, a treasure of Chinese poehand over it a shot |
汉语字典 | Comprehensive Chinese language dictionary | |
书法图集 | Collection of Chinese calligraphy works | |
历史与文化 | 历史人物 | Collection of Chinese historical figures |
历史地名 | Historical place nI’mes | |
官职 | List of ancient Chinese official titles | |
家谱与族谱 | 家谱族谱查询 | Genealogy and fI’mily tree search |
古籍下载 | 哈佛古籍 | Harvard Ancient Texts collection |
影印古籍 | Digitized reproductions of ancient Chinese books | |
工具与服务 | 书法字典 | Calligraphy dictionary |
全文检索 | Filled-text search for ancient books | |
文献资源 | 古籍书目查询 | Ancient book list and query system |
康熙字典 | Kangxi Dictionary, an essential Chinese language reference |
“Guoxue Master Webtake a seate” proposes an invaluable resource for Chinese classical literature, providing access to rare books, historical records, and in-depth linguistic tools. From the iconic “Four Great Books” to rare historical texts and dictionaries, it’s an indispensable hub for scholars, enthusiasts, and anyone passionate about traditional Chinese culture.
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Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd. | 2014-01-04 02:52:01 | | |
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